Trakt Errors

All Trakt related errors that are worth processing. Note that 412 response codes are ignored because the only requests that this library sends out are guaranteed to have the application/json MIME type set.

exception trakt.errors.TraktException

Bases: exceptions.BaseException

Base Exception type for trakt module

http_code = None
message = None
exception trakt.errors.BadRequestException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 400 return code is recieved

http_code = 400
message = "Bad Request - request couldn't be parsed"
exception trakt.errors.OAuthException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 401 return code is recieved

http_code = 401
message = 'Unauthorized - OAuth must be provided'
exception trakt.errors.ForbiddenException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 403 return code is recieved

http_code = 403
message = 'Forbidden - invalid API key or unapproved app'
exception trakt.errors.NotFoundException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 404 return code is recieved

http_code = 404
message = 'Not Found - method exists, but no record found'
exception trakt.errors.ConflictException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 409 return code is recieved

http_code = 409
message = 'Conflict - resource already created'
exception trakt.errors.ProcessException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 422 return code is recieved

http_code = 422
message = 'Unprocessable Entity - validation errors'
exception trakt.errors.RateLimitException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 429 return code is recieved

http_code = 429
message = 'Rate Limit Exceeded'
exception trakt.errors.TraktInternalException

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 500 error is raised

http_code = 500
message = 'Internal Server Error'
exception trakt.errors.TraktUnavailable

Bases: trakt.errors.TraktException

TraktException type to be raised when a 503 error is raised

http_code = 503
message = 'Trakt Unavailable - server overloaded'